środa, 26 listopada 2014

New Baby Cards

Hurra! Po wielu probach oto pierwsza wersja kartek dla nowego Dzidziusia, z ktorej jestem zadowolona! Dostepna w dwoch zestawach kolorystycznych - dla chlopca i dla dziewczynki! 

Yuppie! So finally I got to the stage where I am happy with the design of my collection of New Baby Cards. One for a boy and one for a girl! I'm also having lots of fun making them too. See the results below.

czwartek, 20 listopada 2014

Secret mission

My day job requires producing a lot of presentations for clients. Some time ago I have read somewhere that there are very few stock photos of women at work with a baby or just working women. For my last presentation I needed an image of business people- and I struggled to find one of a women! That is really shocking! It took me a while to find one where a women wouldn't be looking like a hostess/ receptionist or a prostitute in a tight shirt and super short skirt. But I have managed at the end and placed it on my slide while talking about business customers. Don't know if many people in the room noticed it but I am happy I have sneaked this one in. This is me changing the world - one presentation at the time!

środa, 19 listopada 2014


Last year I started making my own cards for different ocassions and realised how much fun it is. So far I think I only bought one for a friend as was under time pressure, but all the rest I've made myself. Another project which I'm a bit struggling with is a New Baby card for friends that are expecting. I have some ideas and even got to the experimenting phase but it is taking me a while to get it finished. This weekend is looking good though and hopefully I'll get around to do them! I'm pretty good and procrastinating - any ideas how to stop - are very welcomed! 
Below one of the last cards I've made.

wtorek, 18 listopada 2014

Obsessed with right now

It's all about comfort for me at the moment. But at the same time I can't go out - well and I probably, realistically speaking, wouldn't like to go out in my casual clothes to work. Fortunately I found perfect solution for this problem - an elegant sweatshirt! Yes they exist! I got mine in COS - my latest favourite high street brand. So best things about the item:
- it is versatile 
- you can dress it up or down 
- looks great with skinnies and with skirts
- it's super comfortable!
- love the graphic pattern and the colours
Here is the one I have and am obsessed with at the moment. I would wear it all the time if I only could.

poniedziałek, 17 listopada 2014

What's for dinner?

I love to eat but I'm not the biggest fan of cooking. However from time to time I do get those moments when I really enjoy it and I can whip up something delicious. Coming up with ideas for next week menu is a challenge- how I suppose to know what will I fancy next Thursday?! But with a family planning is a must! Luckily my husband really enjoys cooking so we share that task. Tonight I am cooking egg noodle tofu soup! Can't wait to eat it!

środa, 12 listopada 2014

Baby gourmand

Baby led weaning is going very well for us! It's been now four months since we started solids and it is clear that she is enjoying herself! During last check up our little Plum put on weight a lot and she is thriving! Now when she has crossed 10 months mark, her new favourite foods are pancakes with apples and banana, potato cakes, carrot salad and even sourkrout salad! More mess have been created with serving her couscous salad and brown rice but that is to be expected. She loved as well beetroot and cheekpea burgers we had for dinner last week. I loved them too!
Here she is eating spaghetti with kale pesto - must say she's a pro at this!

środa, 5 listopada 2014

First house party

Niedawno wprowadzilismy sie do nowego domu i urzadzanie go jest jednym z moich ulubionych projektow.  Wiadomo,  ze jest to dlugi proces i zajmie nam troche czasu zanim bedziemy miec wszystko. Nie moglam sie juz jednak doczekac pierwszej imprezy i ugoszczeniu moich znajomych wszystkich. Udalo sie to wkoncu- byla parapetowka polaczona z Halloween! Przyjecie bylo baby friendly, wciagu dnia. Zrobylismy przekaski oraz ja dekoracje. Wyszlo super, choc w pewnym momencie zamieszanie bylo ogromne! Przedsmak urodzinowej imprezy Helenki za dwa miesiace!

We finally had our Housewarming Halloween Party! It went great! We made sie lovely snacks and hung some DIY Halloween decoration. So much fun!