sobota, 31 stycznia 2015

Sweet dreams smoothie

After a super busy day and last nights visit to hospital emergency dept with our little one, I was dying to relax and just chill out. As I decided to try to quit sugar, I'm getting creative with evening deserts. 
This time I came up with a hot smoothie. It's beyond delicious! Creamy, sweet and coconuty. Here's how I made it. It takes literally 5 minutes!
Heat up a glass of plant milk - I used soya and almond.
Pour warm milk to a blender with two dates, 4 walnuts, 3 tbs of desicated coconut, couple of raisins and blend it all for 3 minutes. Voila! 

wtorek, 27 stycznia 2015

Yoga challenge

I'm back practising yoga again! Finally I had no choice really as my Christmas indulgence went a bit overboard. I just had to do it! So I'm delighted to exercise again and trying out different classes. For me it's not really exercising which has a slightly negative connotation. To me yoga is simply delicious pleasure!
The begining was hard, but three weeks on I feel a little bit fitter and definitely more calm inside. I tried the following classes: hot yoga, vinyasa, ashtanga, mindful yoga and yoga- pilates. My favourite are vinyasa and yoga-pilates. Genius!

Also trying out new green juices. So far I hate them, maybe using wrong recepies. But nothing that is both delicious and healthy will not get my aproval.

Wreszcie udalo mi sie wrocic do jogi! Wyprobowuje rozne zajecia, jak narazie moje ulubione to vinyasa i joga- pilates. Sama przyjemnosc!
Po trzech tygodniach juz odczuwam pozytywne zmiany. Ach jakie to cudowne uczucie, wiedzac, ze cos dziala!

poniedziałek, 26 stycznia 2015

Super delicious balls (and sugar & gluten free)

Struggling a bit during my transition period of quitting refined sugar, last Saturday I whipped these beauties up! Not only beautiful outside but also inside. No added sugar and gluten free too - if you into that. Simply delicious and deliciously simple. Genious.
Rasin & dates balls:
You need:
- raisins (handful)
- 3 dates
- ground almond ( about 5 tbs)
- ground hazelnuts (4 tbs)
- zest of half lemon
- one ts of vanilla extract
- two tbs of organic raw cocoa
Soak the raisins and dates in hot water for at least 15 minutes. Then remove the water ( keep it just in case it gets to thick) and mix all the ingredients in a blander for 4 minutes or until smooth. Form little balls and roll them in raw cocoa, hazelnuts or desicated coconut. Makes around 12 little balls. Enjoy!
Super delicious and healthy! 

Chcecie odciac sie od cukru i slodyczy na dobre ale jednoczesnie nie tracac na jakosci zycia? Oto rozwiazanie idealne - pyszne kulki rodzynkowo orzechowe.
Ukrecilam je probujac zastapic czyms moje niezdrowe slodkosci. Nie wroce do nich juz nigdy!

czwartek, 22 stycznia 2015

Big organic shopping

I bought loads of organic goodies to try out. One of my presents for Christmas was this amazing cooking book with vegan receipies, beautifully published called Jadlonomia. It's by a Polish author and was released in Poland only. For now I'd say as its flying of the shelves. Inspired by the book I got some products I have never tried before like tempeh. I'm not even entirely sure what it is. I tried out first recipe last night and it came out quite delicious! 
I have also made almond milk myself. Surprisingly easy. I'm very excited to try out more!

Zainspirowana ksiazka Jadlonomia kupilam pare produktow, ktore do tej pity byly mi nie znane. Zrobilam tez sama migdalowe mleko. Pysznosci! Wkrotce wyprobuje wiecej przepisow, nie moge sie juz doczekac.

środa, 21 stycznia 2015

New Year New Me

That statement doesn't really apply to me. Long time ago I stopped setting New Years resolutions. What it really is - the natural need for a change in my body and mind after that lazy and indulgent festive season. I can feel that I still pay high price for all that chocolate eaten.
So my plan is to... Get back into shape! Ha! I'm sure I'm not the only one. But here is what I'm doing.
I've signed up to my Yoga Centre and I love it! I've got unlimited pass and I try to test different classes to see which one I will like and suit me in terms of time. As I'm working full time and nursing my baby I have to plan well my activities.
I've stopped eating sugar. Well, I'm trying! Sugar is absolutely the worst offender for all of us! I'm not going to list all the terrible effects it has on us. But if you don't know me yet I can tell you I'm not a fan of strict diets or counting calories. I've tested it all long time ago and learned that live is all about moderation. Therefore you have to still enjoy it and that's my main goal.
Here are my ways of replacing sugary snacks. Healthy and delicious!
Almonds - amazing source of minerals and vitamins, taste great and are easy to carry.
Dried figs - simply delicious
Dried dates - yummy snack if you fancy something really sweet
Raisins - sweet and good for you. I sometimes get this yogurt coated, just as an extra treat and good for the transition period.
Nuts - super healthy snack and delicious
Dried mangos - watch the ingredients though to ensure it doesn't have much chemicals used for drying it.
I hope I will stick to them and stay away from pastries and chocolate!

poniedziałek, 19 stycznia 2015

My view on toys

Even before I had a baby I had a clear view on what I would like my baby's nursary to look like. This included toys. There is so much rubbish sold and available for kids in the shops. For as long as I can I would like to avoid:
- plastic toys
- electric toys
- branded toys
We all heared about the fact that even the most fancy toy with music playing is sometimes less attractive than a simple wooden block. All the above is on the black list for the following reasons. I love natural materials like wood or natural fabric, simple toys leave more to imagination and that's the one that should freely develop and be stimulated but not replaced. I want the toys to be environmentally friendly too, something that looks good for long and can be passed through generations or kept as a keepsake. And the last one is - I just hate branded toys, most cases that are just ugly and only a marketing tool to stuff the pockets of already fat big merchandise companies, I hate how they play on children's feelings and create more ' wants' pressures. I also want the toys to be safe- of course, made of the tested materials that are proven to be safe for babies. This is example of Sofie the giraffe. Such a simple, beautiful and useful toy. My only exception could be for Lego blocks as they are simply brilliant.
Below are photos of couple of toys I really love and my baby too. Some of them she got for Christmas and birthday and some of them are bought by us.
The fairy doll is a souvenir from Paris. I absolutely love her, it's extremely pretty and well made- such a great room decoration item too! It isn't yet appreciate much by my little one but I hope it will be soon.

Zanim urodzila sie nasza Sliweczka, wiedzialam jak chce by jej pokoj wygladal. Oraz jej zabawki. Osobiscie nie lubie zabawek plastikowych, elektrycznych oraz z duzym logo. Chce aby jej zabawki byly wykonane z naturalnych materialow, bezpiecznych i ekologicznych. Wyjatek moze byc dla Lego, ktore jest po prostu genialne!
Kilka przykladow na zdjeciach ponizej. Lalka jest zabawka przywieziona z wycieczki do Paryza przed swietami. Wspaniala do dekoracji pokoju, gdyz do zabawy jeszcze sie nie nadaje dla naszego maluszka. Mam nadzieje, ze wkrotce bedzie doceniona.

środa, 14 stycznia 2015

Very Special Birthday

New Years Day will always be super special for us - this is when our dearest baby girl was born. Only couple of minutes past midnight, it was very exciting! The year has passed so quickly I could say, but it was the best year in my life! I have learned so much, felt emotions I have never felt before and was blessed with the most amazing experience in our life's - bringing new person to the world. It is such a privilege to be a mother to this beautiful girl. Words cannot describe my love for her.
No doubt this was a very special celebration and we invited family and friends to be with us on that day. We decided to have a party at our house as I love hosting parties and having guests over. This time it's getting extra challenging with little ones running around but I better get used to that as many more of them is to come!
We had birthday cake and cupcakes made by me - they were delicious!

Nowy Rok bedzie dla nas zawsze bardzo niesamowitym dniem, poniewaz wtedy urodzila sie nasza piekna coreczka. Slow brak by opisac moja ogromna milosc do niej. To byl zdecydowanie najlepszy rok w moim zyciu! 
Swietowalismy w domu z najblizszymi, byl tort urodzinowy, cupcakes robione przeze mnie i oczywiscie duzo zoltych
balonow! Do nastepnego!

wtorek, 6 stycznia 2015

Christmas break

Coming back much heavier but not necessarily happier. Christmas this year were very special as for the first time spent with our daughter and also first one in our new house. Wow that was an amazing year for me!
What I did differently:
I have managed to avoid pre Xmas shopping madness and I'm so happy because of it! 
Cooked more - baked some ginger cookies and made a traditional Polish sweet dish.
Drank more wine - last year I was pregnant so I couldn't drink at all. I made up for all that time.
Didn't buy special gift for my hubby - instead we decided to join our financial forces and got a projector for the house. We love it!
Watched more not-Christmassy movies - it is so good to be in control and decide what you want to watch. Thanks to our new projector and the Living Room cinema screenings.
Decorated our Christmas tree - it was my first one ever in my life to decorate on our own. 
Saw pre chrimast Paris - it was beautiful!
Looking forward to the next ones already.