środa, 14 stycznia 2015

Very Special Birthday

New Years Day will always be super special for us - this is when our dearest baby girl was born. Only couple of minutes past midnight, it was very exciting! The year has passed so quickly I could say, but it was the best year in my life! I have learned so much, felt emotions I have never felt before and was blessed with the most amazing experience in our life's - bringing new person to the world. It is such a privilege to be a mother to this beautiful girl. Words cannot describe my love for her.
No doubt this was a very special celebration and we invited family and friends to be with us on that day. We decided to have a party at our house as I love hosting parties and having guests over. This time it's getting extra challenging with little ones running around but I better get used to that as many more of them is to come!
We had birthday cake and cupcakes made by me - they were delicious!

Nowy Rok bedzie dla nas zawsze bardzo niesamowitym dniem, poniewaz wtedy urodzila sie nasza piekna coreczka. Slow brak by opisac moja ogromna milosc do niej. To byl zdecydowanie najlepszy rok w moim zyciu! 
Swietowalismy w domu z najblizszymi, byl tort urodzinowy, cupcakes robione przeze mnie i oczywiscie duzo zoltych
balonow! Do nastepnego!

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