niedziela, 7 grudnia 2014

Baby gourmand

We have just past 11 months and baby Plum is only couple of weeks shy from her 1st Birthday! Can't believe that really.
But here is an update on babies food consumption. I know parents ( well mothers) who are worried about there babies not eating enough. We don't have that problem - she definitely eats a lot as we can see from her nappies and overall happiness. She's also putting on weight well. What helped me to be more relaxed is definitely the only one book I read about babies - Baby Led Weaning by Gill Rapley & Tracey Murkett. Absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend it to any new mom who is lookining for some reassurance and guidance on the healthiest way to introduce solids to their little ones.
At this stage here is example of a lunch from last Saturday. For a starter - grated carrots with orange juice and a drop of oil of olive dressing. Main meal - wholemeal pasta and courgette with baby sweet corns and Brussels sprouts done with butter and garlic. Desert - mandarins. She enjoyed it hugely and ate most of it. Contarary to my level of enjoyment while cleaning up after her... She's so worth it though.

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